Some more dimensions, if you want to pack them in. First, notice the points themselves are numbered. That's convenient for locating them on the legend, but the number actually represents another dimension of data. The numbers are assigned in the order the points are presented in the config entries. In the example below, those happen to be sorted by GDP (overall GDP, not per capita). So the point labelled "1" is the country with the highest GDP in this data set.

In addition, data points can have an area. The library can take an optional delta-size value for each point, a value between 0 and 1. The size of the bar is drawn proportional to that value. In the example below, the size of each bar is proportional to the geographic area of the country, scaled logarithmically.

Features to watch out for:

Play around with these widgets to change the layout. View source to see how to configure the JSON object to invoke the library. And when you're ready, move on to the next demo. Or for a refresher, go back to the previous demo. Or click on: Start, Demo 1, Demo 2, Demo 3, Demo 4, Demo 5, Demo 6.