All right, let's delete the bogus data, but now introduce some new dimensions. With this library we can plot the data points as bars. If data points have a z-value, that value is taken as the height of a bar with the point as the base. Z-values can be negative, and they will go "through the base" of the radar chart. In the chart below, we have plotted the GDP per capita. The data has been scaled for display purposes - again, this demo is not about making geopolitical statements, but about showing capabilities. The chart below takes $1024 as a baseline GDP per capita. Values above that are shown as positive bars, and values below as negative bars. The height of the bars themselves is on a log scale just to make the bars fit.

In addition, you can also fix the position of any data point if you are sufficiently annoyed by their random positioning. To fix their position, we need polar, not cartesian coordinates, because... it's a radar chart. Polar coordinates require a radius and angle. The library instead requires a delta-radius, a value between 0 and 1 inclusive that fixes the radius within the data point's ring. Likewise, the library requires a delta-angle, a value between 0 and 1 inclusive that fixes the angle within the data point's section. You can specify both values, neither value, or any one - what is not specified will be random. You can specify values outside the 0-1 range, and the behaviour will be exactly as you expect - the point will fall outside the section or ring. If that's what you want, you will get it, even if we don't recommend it. In the chart below, we have used the countries population - scaled logarithmically for the delta-radius, and the Human Development Index as-is, for the delta-angle. So within a specific section and ring, points further "outside" have lerger populations and points further to the "left" in the section (assuming counter-clockwise layout) have a higher HDI.

Features to watch out for:

Play around with these widgets to change the layout. View source to see how to configure the JSON object to invoke the library. And when you're ready, move on to the next demo. Or for a refresher, go back to the previous demo. Or click on: Start, Demo 1, Demo 2, Demo 3, Demo 4, Demo 5, Demo 6.