Recent Reading

Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents. - Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher (1788-1860)
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  1. Fascism: A Warning: Madeleine Albright
  2. Stuff, Be Gone: Zohra Mubeena
  3. Guns, Germs and Steel: Jared Diamond
  4. The Opposite of Namaste: Timber Hawkeye
  5. The One Thing: Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
  6. Biobuilding: Sam Barsch Adam
  7. Drunk Tank Pink: Adam Alter
  8. Dancing with Qubits: Robert S. Sutor
  9. Jesus Lived in India: Holger Kersten
  10. Tracers in the Dark: Andy Greenberg
  11. The (Mis)Behavior of Markets: Benoit Mandelbrot
  12. Experimental Wife: Sandra Jean Bangham
  13. Start with Why: Simon Sinek
  14. Bernoulli's Fallacy: Aubrey Clayton
  15. The Pregnant King: Devdutt Pattanaik
  16. The Singularity is Near: Ray Kurzweil
  17. Silent Spring: Rachel Carson
  18. Skip to the Fun Parts: Dana Jeri Maier
  19. The History of Mathematics: Carl B. Boyer
  20. The Lord of the Flies: William Golding
  21. The Annotated Gödel: Hal Prince
  22. Five Golden Rules: John L. Casti
  23. Transformer: Nick Lane
  24. The Story Behind: Emily Prokop
  25. Energy: Richard Rhodes
  26. Rethinking Consciousness: Michael S. A. Graziano
  27. A Thousand Brains: Jeff Hawkins
  28. The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson
  29. The Nazi Hunters: Andrew Nagorski
  30. The Genius of Earth Day: Adam Rome
  31. The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Erik Larson
  32. The Beginning of Infinity: David Deutsch
  33. Masala Lab: Krish Ashok
  34. The Confidence Game: Maria Konnikova
  35. Shape: Jordan Ellenberg
  36. The Discourses: Niccolo Machiavelli
  37. Against the Gods: Peter Bernstein
  38. Through the Language Glass: Guy Deutscher
  39. Trading at the Speed of Light: Donald MacKenzie
  40. Numbers Don't Lie: Vaclav Smil
  41. The Prince: Niccolo Machiavelli
  42. No One Ever Told Us That: John D. Spooner
  43. The Great Arc: John Keay
  44. How Not to Be Wrong: Jordan Ellenberg
  45. Project Hail Mary: Andy Weir
  46. The Double Helix: James D. Watson
  47. V for Vendetta: Alan Moore & David Lloyd
  48. The Unfolding of Language: Guy Deutscher
  49. Principles of Human Knowledge: George Berkeley
  50. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress: Robert A. Heinlein
  51. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Philip K. Dick
  52. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Abridged): John Locke
  53. Watchmen: Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons
  54. The Grand Biocentric Design: Adam Lanza & Matej Pavśić
  55. Hackers: Steven Levy
  56. Americana: Bhu Srinivasan
  57. The Code Breaker: Walter Isaacson
  58. Empires of the Word: Nicholas Ostler
  59. Eniac: Scott McCartney
  60. Irrational Exuberance: Robert J. Shiller
  61. Deep Simplicity: John Gribbin
  62. Money for Nothing: Thomas Levenson
  63. The Prize: Daniel Yergin
  64. The Secret Life of Groceries: Benjamin Lorr
  65. Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony: Lewis Thomas
  66. A World Without Work: Daniel Susskind
  67. Genius: James Gleick
  68. No Rules Rules: Reed Hastings & Erin Meyer
  69. On Human Nature and The Understanding: David Hume
  70. The TeX Book: Donald E. Knuth
  71. Thinking In Bets: Annie Duke
  72. Titan: Ron Chernow
  73. Doubt And Certainty: Tony Rothman & George Sudarshan
  74. Fortune's Formula: William Poundstone
  75. The Path Between the Seas: David McCullough
  76. Humble Pi: Matt Parker
  77. Molecules At An Exhibition: John Emsley
  78. Upstream: Dan Heath
  79. Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension: Matt Parker
  80. The Making of the Atomic Bomb: Richard Rhodes
  81. Cod: Mark Kurlansky
  82. Ella Minnow Pea: Mark Dunn
  83. Scarcity: Sendhil Mullainathan & Eldar Shafir
  84. The Paradox of Choice: Barry Schwartz
  85. The Moscow Rules: Antonio & Jonna Mendez
  86. Range: David Epstein
  87. How To: Randall Munroe
  88. The Ocean of Churn: Sanjeev Sanyal
  89. Capital in the 21st Century: Thomas Piketty
  90. Eight Lessons on Infinity: A Mathematical Adventure: Haim Shapira
  91. Eating Animals: Jonathan Safran Foer
  92. Better: Atul Gawande
  93. The God Delusion: Richard Dawkins
  94. The Omnivore's Dilemma: Michael Pollan
  95. Discipline & Punish: Michel Foucault
  96. Naked Money: Charles Wheelan
  97. Wealth of Nations: Adam Smith
  98. The Magic of Reality: Richard Dawkins
  99. The Selfish Gene: Richard Dawkins
  100. God is not Great: Christopher Hitchens
  101. Factfulness: Hans Rosling
  102. Why There is no God: Armin Navabi
  103. Slugfest: Reed Tucker
  104. Winners Take All: Anand Giridharadas
  105. Thing Explainer: Randall Munroe
  106. Through Two Doors at Once: Anil Ananthaswamy
  107. The Blank Slate: Steven Pinker
  108. Artemis: Andy Weir
  109. Nudge: Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein
  110. Thinking Fast and Slow: Daniel Kahneman
  111. How Not to Be Wrong: Jordan Ellenberg
  112. How to Excel at Math and Science: Barbara Oakland
  113. The Cartoon Guide to the Environment: Larry Gonick & Alice Outwater
  114. The Cartoon Guide to Genetics: Larry Gonick & Mark Wheelis
  115. The Cartoon Guide to Physics: Larry Gonick & Art Huffman
  116. The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry: Larry Gonick & Craig Criddle
  117. The Cartoon Guide to Algebra: Larry Gonick
  118. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics: Larry Gonick & Woollcott Smith
  119. How the Mind Works: Steven Pinker
  120. Sapiens: Yuval Noah Harari
  121. The Better Angels Of Our Nature: Steven Pinker
  122. The Internet of Money: Andreas M. Antonopoulos
  123. The Physics of Superheroes: James Kakalios
  124. Everybody Lies: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
  125. Weapons of Math Destruction: Cathy O'Neil
  126. Four Fish: Paul Greenberg
  127. Algorithms To Live By: Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths
  128. Originals: Adam Grant
  129. Antifragile: Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  130. A Burglar's Guide to the City: Geoff Manaugh
  131. The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran: Robert Spencer
  132. The Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell
  133. The Gene: Siddhartha Mukherjee
  134. Integration of the Indian States: V. P. Menon
  135. The Silk Roads: Peter Frankopan
  136. Outliers: Malcolm Gladwell
  137. The Rules of Wealth: Richard Templar
  138. Fault Lines: Raghuram Rajan
  139. The Art of Thinking Clearly: Rolf Dobelli
  140. The End of Faith: Sam Harris
  141. The Martian: Andy Weir
  142. What If?: Randall Munroe
  143. WTF, Evolution?: Mara Grunbaum
  144. The Theory Of Everything: Stephen Hawking
  145. Angels And Demons: Dan Brown
  146. Being Mortal: Atul Gawande
  147. Peril At End House: Agatha Christie
  148. Joy, Inc.: Richard Sheridan
  149. Tubes: Andrew Blum
  150. This Explains Everything: John Brockman
  151. Flashman: Fraser MacDonald
  152. Naked Statistics: Charles Wheelan
  153. Empire Of The Moghul - Raiders From The North: Alex Rutherford
  154. The Signal And The Noise: Nate Silver
  155. 2 States: Chetan Bhagat
  156. Hen's Teeth And Horse's Toes: Stephen Jay Gould
  157. Rework: Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
  158. The Revenge Of Geography: Robert Kaplan
  159. Getting Real: Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
  160. Naked Economics: Charles Wheelan
  161. The Upside Of Irrationality: Dan Ariely
  162. The Third Chimpanzee: Jared Diamond
  163. All The Countries We Have Invaded: Stuart Laycock
  164. The Art of Strategy: Avinash K. Dixit & Barry. J. Nalebuff
  165. The Wonder That Was India - Part II: S. A. A. Rizvi
  166. The Wonder That Was India: A. L. Basham
  167. The Elephant, The Tiger And The Cellphone: Shashi Tharoor
  168. I Am America (And So Can You!): Stephen Colbert
  169. Earth (The Book): Jon Stewart
  170. A Brief History Of Time: Stephen Hawking
  171. How to Win Every Argument: Madsen Pirie
  172. The Man Who Was Thursday: G. K. Chesterton
  173. New Theories Of Everything: John D. Barrow
  174. Maus II: Art Spiegelman
  175. Maus I: Art Spiegelman
  176. Numbers Rule Your World: Kaiser Fung
  177. Fermat's Last Theorem: Simon Singh
  178. Mahabharata: Devdutt Pattanaik
  179. Jack Patel's Dubai Dreams: P. G. Bhaskar
  180. Little Bets: Peter Sims
  181. Boomerang: Michael Lewis
  182. The Medusa and the Snail: Lewis Thomas
  183. The Big Short: Michael Lewis
  184. The Emperor of all Maladies: Siddhartha Mukherjee
  185. One Simple Idea: Stephen Key
  186. The 4-Hour Workweek: Timothy Ferriss
  187. Fantasia Mathematica: Clifton Fadiman
  188. The Penal Colony: Franz Kafka
  189. India Calling: Anand Giridharadas
  190. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: David S. Landes
  191. The Cartoon History of the Modern World: Larry Gonick
  192. In Spite of the Gods: Edward Luce
  193. 13 Things that Don't Make Sense: Michael Brooks
  194. Plato and Platypus Walk into a Bar: Thomas Cathcart & Daniel M. Klein
  195. The Story of My Experiments in Truth: Mohandas K. Gandhi
  196. A Splendid Exchange: William J. Bernstein
  197. First You Build A Cloud: K. C. Cole
  198. The Pig That Wants To Be Eaten: Julian Baggini
  199. River Of Gods: Ian McDonald
  200. The Book Of General Ignorance: John Mitchinson & John Lloyd
  201. Superstar India: Shobha De
  202. The Art of Money: David Standish
  203. The Drunkard's Walk: Leonard Mlodinow
  204. Where The Wild Things Were: William Stolzenberg
  205. Lost Histories of Indian Cricket: Boria Majumdar
  206. The Seekers: Daniel J. Boorstin
  207. Predictably Irrational: Dan Ariely
  208. The Back of the Napkin: Dan Roam
  209. Longitude: Dava Sobel
  210. Jesus Lived in India: Holger Kersten
  211. The No Asshole Rule: Robert I. Sutton
  212. The World Without Us: Alan Wiesman
  213. Better: Atul Gawande
  214. The Flamingo's Smile: Stephen Jay Gould
  215. The Hidden History of the Human Race: Michael A. Cremo & Richard L. Thompson
  216. A Short History of Nearly Everything: Bill Bryson
  217. The Panda's Thumb: Stephen Jay Gould
  218. The Long Tail: Chris Anderson
  219. The End Of Poverty: Jeffrey D. Sachs
  220. The World Is Flat: Thomas Friedman
  221. Collapse: Jared Diamond
  222. Salt: Mark Kurlansky
  223. Life of Pi: Yann Martell
  224. Blink: Malcolm Gladwell
  225. Freakonomics: Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
  226. The Story of Phi: Mario Livio
  227. First, Break All the Rules: Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman
  228. The Lying Stones of Marrakech: Stephen Jay Gould
  229. Persepolis II: Marjane Satrapi
  230. Persepolis: Marjane Satrapi
  231. Dangerous Company: James O'Shea & Charles Madigan
  232. Economics in One Lesson: Henry Hazlitt
  233. Guns, Germs and Steel: Jared Diamond
  234. The Dhammapada: Ananda Maitreya & Rose Kramer
  235. The Automatic Millionaire: David Bach
  236. Karma Cola: Gita Mehta
  237. The Da Vinci Code: Dan Brown
  238. Creating Wealth: Bob Allen
  239. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire: Lawrence James
  240. The Supermen: Charles J. Murray
  241. The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Victor Hugo
  242. The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution - A Reconsideration: Mark Roseman
  243. The Design of Everyday Things: Donald A. Norman
  244. The Mismeasure of Man: Stephen Jay Gould
  245. The Programmer's Stone: Alan G. Carter & Colston Sanger
  246. The Living Past: Ivar Lissner
  247. Hyperspace: Michio Kaku
  248. Dinosaur in a Haystack: Stephen Jay Gould
  249. The Hindu Mind: Bansi Pandit
  250. Science and Hypothesis: Henri Poincaré
  251. Five Golden Rules: John L. Casti
  252. My Days - A Memoir: R. K. Narayan
  253. Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony: Lewis Thomas
  254. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics: Larry Gonick & Woollcott Smith
  255. A Random Walk in Science: Robert L. Weber & Eric Mendoza
  256. Robinson Crusoe: Daniel Defoe
  257. The Moon and Sixpence: W. Somerset Maugham
  258. The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights: John Steinbeck
  259. Frontiers: Isaac Asimov
  260. VEIL: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987: Bob Woodward
  261. Marco Polo: Maurice Collis
  262. Jurassic Park: Michael Crichton
  263. Officers and Gentlemen: Evelyn Waugh
  264. Men at Arms: Evelyn Waugh
  265. Kalki: Gore Vidal
  266. Taming the Atom: Hans Christian von Baeyer
  267. Neuromancer: William Gibson
  268. The Catcher in the Rye: J. D. Salinger
  269. The Man Who Knew Infinity: Robert Kanigel
  270. Acquired Tastes: Peter Mayle
  271. The Elegant Universe: Brian Greene
  272. The Mythical Man-Month: Frederick P. Brooks
  273. Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Richard Feynman
  274. Six Easy Pieces: Richard Feynman
  275. Gödel, Escher Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid: Douglas Hofstadter
  276. Bored of the Rings: Harvard Lampoon
  277. The Gulag Archipelago: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  278. The Great Indian Novel: Shashi Tharoor
  279. The Colours of Evil: Ashokamitran
  280. Great Essays in Science: Martin Gardner (ed.)
  281. Red Giants and White Dwarfs: Robert Jastrow
  282. In Quest of Jesus: W. Barnes Tatum
  283. Emergence: Steven Johnson
  284. Dune: Frank Herbert
  285. 1984: George Orwell
  286. India: A History: John Keay
  287. The Histories: Herodotus
  288. She Stoops to Conquer: Oliver Goldsmith
  289. Dragons of Eden: Carl Sagan
  290. Sholay: The Making of a Classic: Anupama Chopra
  291. Broca's Brain: Carl Sagan
  292. The Great Railway Bazaar: Paul Theroux
  293. The Riddle of the Dinosaur: John Wilford Noble
  294. Creation: Gore Vidal
  295. The Dancing Wu Li Masters: Gary Zukav
  296. Culture Jam: Kalle Lasn
  297. Lady Chatterly's Lover: D. H. Lawrence
  298. Roots: Alex Haley
  299. Song of Solomon: Toni Morrison
  300. Utopia: Thomas More
  301. The Mahabharata: Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
  302. Foundation and Earth: Isaac Asimov
  303. Foundation's Edge: Isaac Asimov
  304. The God of Small Things: Arundhati Roy
  305. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: William L. Shirer
  306. The New New Thing: Michael Lewis
  307. Economics in One Lesson: Henry Hazlitt
  308. The Illuminatus! Trilogy: Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson
  309. Man's Search for Meaning: Viktor Frankl
  310. A Brief History of Time: Stephen Hawking
  311. The Odessa File: Frederick Forsythe
  312. The Haj: Leon Uris
  313. The Man from St. Petersburg: Ken Follet
  314. The Art of War: Sun Tzu Wu
  315. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Robert Pirsig
  316. Hocus Pocus: Kurt Vonnegut
  317. Foundation: Isaac Asimov
  318. The Prophet: Kahlil Gibran
  319. Gulliver's Travels: Jonathan Swift
  320. Rubaiyat: Omar Khayyám
  321. Brave New World: Aldous Huxley
  322. Microserfs: Douglas Copeland
  323. Steppenwolf: Herman Hesse
  324. On the Road: Jack Kerouac
  325. Women in Love: D. H. Lawrence
  326. Complete Works: Saki (H. H. Munro)
  327. Animal Farm: George Orwell
  328. Collected Short Stories: O. Henry
  329. Atlas Shrugged: Ayn Rand
  330. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: J. R. R. Tolkien
  331. After Many a Summer Dies the Swan: Aldous Huxley
  332. Labyrinths: Jorge Luis Borges
  333. Fountainhead: Ayn Rand
  334. Complete Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle
  335. The Cartoon History of the Universe: Larry Gonick
  336. Doonesbury: Garry Trudeau
  337. The Far Side: Gary Larson
  338. Calvin & Hobbes: Bill Waterson
  339. Garfield: Jim Davis
  340. Dilbert: Scott Adams
  341. The Adventures of Asterix, the Gaul: Goscinny & Uderzo
  342. The Adventures of Tintin: Hergé
  343. Cerebus: Dave Sim
  344. You Said It: R. K. Laxman

Selected Reviews

I add reviews on demand. If you'd like to know what I think of a book I have read, please request a review from me at anand@anandnatrajan•com.

Anand Natrajan